Pregnancy Massage

Available from 12 weeks onwards. Nurturing and gentle, pregnancy massage is specifically tailored for the expectant mothers needs. The mother’s body is properly positioned and supported during the massage to ensure comfort and safety for the mother and baby. You can still have good pressure and most massage movements can still be performed, it’s wonderful for the relaxation of the mother and fetus. 

Awesome Benefits of Pregnancy Massage:

Reduce Swelling. When your feet, legs, and hands start swelling during pregnancy, it is often caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels.

Relieve Lower Back Pain.

Sciatic Pain

Prepare Your Body for Labor and Birth.

Relieve Pain Naturally.

Lower Anxiety

Increase levels of the “feel good” hormones dopamine and serotonin


45 min


60 min


120 min


90 min


Plan a Visit

If you would like further information about my services/products, please send me a message via the enquiry form or phone me on (+353)879581880. You can order products using this enquiry form if you would like and I will contact you directly to process your order by phone.

Look forward to chatting to you,

Come On In

We are based in Glanworth Co. Cork, The clinic is easily accessible as not far off the M8 motorway Junction 14.

Product Delivery

Products can be collected locally or shipped to 160 countries Lizzie is registered in.